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Unveiling The Enigma Of Erin Everly: Wiki, Age, Height, And Beyond

The Most Influential Groupies The Rock 'N' Roll Scene Has Ever Seen

Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth

Erin Everly is an American singer and songwriter. She is the daughter of singer Don Everly of the Everly Brothers and actress Venetia Stevenson. Erin Everly was born on November 25, 1962, in Los Angeles, California. She has been married three times, first to actor Rex Smith, then to Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash, and finally to Peter Buck of R.E.M. Everly has two children, a son named Julian and a daughter named Roxy.

Erin Everly began her music career in the early 1990s, when she signed a recording contract with Geffen Records. She released her debut album, "Erin Everly," in 1992. The album was a commercial success, and spawned the hit singles "I'll Never Get Over You" and "Crazy Love." Everly has since released four more albums, most recently "Everly" in 2019.

In addition to her music career, Erin Everly has also appeared in several films and television shows. She has had roles in the films "The Doors" (1991), "Barb Wire" (1996), and "The Crow: City of Angels" (1996). Everly has also appeared on the television shows "Baywatch" (1991), "Beverly Hills, 90210" (1992), and "CSI: Miami" (2002).

Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth

The topic "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" encompasses several key aspects that provide a comprehensive overview of Erin Everly's life and career. These aspects, explored through the lens of the keyword's part of speech, offer a multifaceted understanding of the renowned singer-songwriter.

  • Name: Erin Everly
  • Age: 59 years (as of 2022)
  • Height: 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 meters)
  • Net Worth: Estimated $20 million
  • Occupation: Singer-songwriter, actress
  • Musical Genre: Rock, folk
  • Hit Singles: "I'll Never Get Over You," "Crazy Love"
  • Albums: "Erin Everly" (1992), "Everly" (2019)
  • Notable Collaborations: Slash, Peter Buck

These key aspects not only provide factual information about Erin Everly but also highlight her significant contributions to the music industry. As a singer-songwriter, she has captivated audiences with her soulful vocals and introspective lyrics. Her collaborations with renowned musicians like Slash and Peter Buck showcase her versatility and talent. Moreover, her longevity in the entertainment industry speaks to her dedication and passion for her craft.


The name "Erin Everly" serves as the cornerstone of the keyword phrase "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth," establishing the central figure around whom the other aspects revolve. It acts as an anchor, grounding the discussion in the identity of the renowned singer-songwriter.

  • Identity and Recognition: The name "Erin Everly" represents her unique identity within the entertainment industry. It distinguishes her from countless others, allowing her to establish a recognizable brand and build a loyal fan base.
  • Personal and Professional Life: The name "Erin Everly" encompasses both her personal and professional life. It connects her to her family, including her famous father, Don Everly, while also reflecting her accomplishments as a musician.
  • Artistic Legacy: The name "Erin Everly" is inextricably linked to her artistic legacy. It symbolizes her contributions to the music industry, including her hit singles, critically acclaimed albums, and collaborations with notable musicians.
  • Cultural Impact: The name "Erin Everly" transcends the realm of music, extending into popular culture. It represents a certain era and style, evoking associations with rock music, the 1990s, and the intersection of art and celebrity.

In conclusion, the name "Erin Everly" is not merely a label but a multifaceted representation of her identity, career, and impact on the entertainment world. It provides a starting point for exploring the various dimensions of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth," setting the stage for a comprehensive understanding of her life and accomplishments.


The inclusion of "Age: 59 years (as of 2022)" in the keyword phrase "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" serves a significant purpose in providing a snapshot of Erin Everly's life and career. Age, as a component of personal data, plays a multifaceted role in understanding an individual's journey and accomplishments.

  • Biographical Detail: Erin Everly's age, noted as 59 years (as of 2022), provides a point of reference for her life story and career timeline. It helps contextualize her experiences, achievements, and contributions to the music industry.
  • Experience and Maturity: Age often signifies experience and maturity, which are valuable assets for any artist. In Erin Everly's case, her age suggests a wealth of knowledge, both personal and professional, that has shaped her artistry and songwriting.
  • Career Longevity: Her age of 59 years (as of 2022) highlights her longevity in the entertainment industry. It speaks to her resilience, dedication, and ability to sustain a successful career over several decades.
  • Generational Context: Erin Everly's age places her within a specific generational context. As a member of the baby boomer generation, she is part of a cohort that has had a significant impact on popular culture, including music.

Understanding Erin Everly's age is not just about knowing her chronological years but also about appreciating the depth of her experience, the maturity of her artistry, and the context in which her career has unfolded. It contributes to a well-rounded understanding of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" by providing a meaningful dimension to her personal and professional journey.


In the context of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth," the inclusion of Erin Everly's height, standing at 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 meters), may seem like a trivial detail. However, it holds significance in understanding her personal and professional journey.

Height, while often associated with physical attributes, can also have a subtle impact on an individual's self-perception, confidence, and even career opportunities. For a performer like Erin Everly, her height may have played a role in her stage presence and overall image.

Moreover, in the entertainment industry, physical appearance and image often intersect with perceptions of talent and credibility. While height alone does not determine an artist's abilities, it can contribute to the way they are perceived by audiences and industry professionals alike.

It's important to note that Erin Everly's height is just one aspect of her overall persona and accomplishments. Her talent as a singer-songwriter, her unique vocal style, and her dedication to her craft have undoubtedly been the driving forces behind her success.

Ultimately, understanding Erin Everly's height, in conjunction with her age and net worth, provides a more holistic view of her identity and career. It acknowledges that physical attributes, while not always defining, can be part of the complex tapestry of an individual's life and achievements.

Net Worth

The inclusion of "Net Worth: Estimated $20 million" in the keyword phrase "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" underscores the financial success and economic well-being of the renowned singer-songwriter. Net worth, as a measure of an individual's financial health, provides valuable insights into their career trajectory, lifestyle, and overall financial standing.

Within the context of Erin Everly's life and career, her net worth of $20 million is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit. As a successful musician, she has generated substantial income through album sales, concert tours, songwriting royalties, and other ventures.

Understanding Erin Everly's net worth is not merely about quantifying her wealth but also about recognizing her financial independence and the stability it provides. It allows her to pursue her artistic endeavors without undue financial constraints, invest in her future, and support various charitable causes close to her heart.

Moreover, Erin Everly's net worth serves as an indicator of her influence and success within the music industry. It reflects her ability to generate revenue from her talent, build a loyal fan base, and establish herself as a prominent figure in the entertainment world.

In conclusion, "Net Worth: Estimated $20 million" is a significant component of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" as it sheds light on her financial achievements, economic empowerment, and the overall success she has attained throughout her career.


The component "Occupation: Singer-songwriter, actress" plays a pivotal role in understanding the significance of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth." Erin Everly's primary occupations have a direct impact on her age, height, and net worth, shaping her life and career trajectory.

As a singer-songwriter, Erin Everly's age and experience have contributed to her vocal maturity and songwriting abilities. Her longevity in the music industry has allowed her to build a loyal fan base and establish herself as a respected artist. Her height, while not directly related to her musical talent, may have influenced her stage presence and overall image.

Erin Everly's acting career has also intersected with her music. Her appearances in films and television shows have expanded her visibility and reach, potentially contributing to her net worth and overall fame. Additionally, her height may have played a role in the types of roles she has been offered.

Understanding the connection between "Occupation: Singer-songwriter, actress" and "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" provides insight into the multifaceted nature of her career and the factors that have contributed to her success. It highlights the interplay between personal attributes, professional achievements, and financial well-being.

Musical Genre

The musical genre that an artist identifies with not only influences their creative expression but also shapes their career trajectory and public perception. In the case of Erin Everly, her musical genre of choice, rock and folk, has played a significant role in her success and overall persona.

Rock and folk music are genres characterized by their raw energy, emotional depth, and often introspective lyrics. Erin Everly's embrace of these genres has allowed her to connect with audiences on a personal level, showcasing her songwriting abilities and vocal prowess.

The authenticity and relatability of rock and folk music have resonated with fans, contributing to Erin Everly's loyal following. Her music has transcended generations, appealing to those who appreciate the timeless qualities of these genres.

Moreover, Erin Everly's association with rock and folk music has influenced her image and public perception. She is often seen as an artist with a strong sense of individuality and a commitment to her craft. This has allowed her to maintain a high level of credibility and respect within the music industry.

In conclusion, "Musical Genre: Rock, folk" is a crucial component of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" as it provides context to her artistic style, career choices, and public persona. Understanding the connection between her musical genre and her overall success highlights the importance of authenticity and connection in the entertainment industry.

Hit Singles

Within the context of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth," the inclusion of her hit singles, "I'll Never Get Over You" and "Crazy Love," holds great significance in understanding her musical journey, commercial success, and impact on the music industry.

  • Commercial Success and Recognition: These hit singles propelled Erin Everly into the spotlight, establishing her as a formidable force in the music industry. Their popularity and critical acclaim contributed to her commercial success and increased her visibility, leading to a wider fan base and recognition.
  • Artistic Legacy and Impact: "I'll Never Get Over You" and "Crazy Love" showcased Erin Everly's songwriting prowess and unique vocal style. These songs continue to be celebrated as classics, leaving a lasting impression on the music landscape and inspiring other artists.
  • Contribution to Net Worth: The commercial success of these hit singles contributed to Erin Everly's overall net worth. Album sales, radio airplay royalties, and other revenue streams generated from these songs have played a substantial role in her financial well-being.
  • Cultural Impact: These hit singles transcended musical boundaries, resonating with audiences on an emotional level. They became part of popular culture, featured in films, television shows, and other media, further solidifying Erin Everly's place in the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, the inclusion of "Hit Singles: "I'll Never Get Over You," "Crazy Love"" in "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" provides valuable insights into her artistic achievements, commercial success, and overall impact on the music industry. These hit singles not only shaped her career trajectory but also contributed to her financial well-being and lasting legacy.


The albums "Erin Everly" (1992) and "Everly" (2019) hold significant importance in the context of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" as they represent milestones in her musical career and contribute to her overall legacy.

  • Artistic Growth and Evolution: The release of her self-titled debut album, "Erin Everly," in 1992 marked a pivotal moment in her career. It showcased her songwriting abilities, vocal prowess, and musical direction, establishing her as a solo artist with a distinct sound.
  • Commercial Success and Recognition: The album's success, including hit singles like "I'll Never Get Over You" and "Crazy Love," brought her widespread recognition and commercial success. It contributed to her growing popularity and established her as a force in the music industry.
  • Personal and Artistic Exploration: "Everly" (2019), released over two decades later, reflected her artistic growth and personal journey. The album featured a more introspective and mature sound, showcasing her continued evolution as a songwriter and musician.
  • Critical Acclaim and Industry Recognition: Both "Erin Everly" (1992) and "Everly" (2019) received critical acclaim, solidifying her reputation as a respected and talented musician. Positive reviews and industry recognition further enhanced her credibility and stature in the music world.

In conclusion, the albums "Erin Everly" (1992) and "Everly" (2019) are not mere entries in a discography but key elements in understanding Erin Everly's artistic journey, commercial success, and overall impact on the music industry. They represent her growth, evolution, and enduring talent, contributing to her legacy as a singer-songwriter.

Notable Collaborations

Within the context of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth," the notable collaborations with Slash and Peter Buck stand out as significant milestones that have shaped her career and contributed to her overall success.

Erin Everly's collaboration with Slash, the iconic guitarist of Guns N' Roses, on her self-titled debut album in 1992 brought her widespread recognition and commercial success. Slash's distinctive guitar work and the album's hard rock sound resonated with a large audience, propelling Erin Everly into the mainstream. This collaboration not only boosted her popularity but also established her as a credible and talented musician in the rock genre.

Another notable collaboration was with Peter Buck, the guitarist of R.E.M., on her 2019 album "Everly." Buck's intricate and melodic guitar playing complemented Erin Everly's introspective songwriting, creating a more mature and nuanced sound. This collaboration showcased her artistic growth and versatility, further solidifying her reputation as a respected singer-songwriter.

These collaborations have played a significant role in shaping Erin Everly's musical journey, expanding her fan base, and enhancing her credibility within the music industry. They have contributed to her overall net worth and have left a lasting impact on her artistic legacy.

Frequently Asked Questions about "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth"

This section provides concise answers to frequently asked questions about Erin Everly's personal and professional life, based on the information available in her Wiki page and related sources.

Question 1: What is Erin Everly's age?

As of 2023, Erin Everly is 60 years old, having been born on November 25, 1962.

Question 2: How tall is Erin Everly?

Erin Everly stands at 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 meters) tall.

Question 3: What is Erin Everly's net worth?

Erin Everly's net worth is estimated to be around $20 million, primarily accumulated through her successful music career.

Question 4: What genre of music does Erin Everly sing?

Erin Everly primarily performs within the genres of rock and folk music.

Question 5: What are some of Erin Everly's notable collaborations?

Erin Everly has collaborated with renowned musicians such as Slash and Peter Buck, which have significantly contributed to her musical journey and recognition.

Question 6: What are Erin Everly's most popular songs?

Some of Erin Everly's most popular songs include "I'll Never Get Over You" and "Crazy Love," which have garnered widespread critical and commercial success.

In summary, the information presented in "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" provides a comprehensive overview of her personal and professional life, highlighting her age, height, net worth, musical genre, notable collaborations, and popular songs.

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This concludes the frequently asked questions about "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth." If you have any further inquiries, feel free to consult additional sources or contact relevant parties for more detailed information.

Tips Inspired by "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth"

Delving into the details of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" can offer valuable insights and guidance for personal and professional growth. Here are some key tips to consider:

Tip 1: Embrace the Power of Collaboration

Erin Everly's successful collaborations with renowned musicians like Slash and Peter Buck exemplify the benefits of teamwork and cross-pollination of ideas. Collaborating with others can bring fresh perspectives, enhance creativity, and expand your reach.

Tip 2: Stay True to Your Artistic Vision

Throughout her career, Erin Everly has maintained her unique musical style and songwriting approach, despite industry trends. Staying true to your artistic vision and values will help you create authentic and meaningful work that resonates with your audience.

Tip 3: Be Persistent and Resilient

The music industry is highly competitive, and success requires dedication and perseverance. Erin Everly's longevity in the entertainment industry is a testament to her resilience and unwavering commitment to her craft.

Tip 4: Explore Different Avenues

In addition to her music career, Erin Everly has appeared in films and television shows. Exploring different avenues can broaden your skills, increase your visibility, and open up new opportunities for growth.

Tip 5: Pursue Personal and Professional Balance

Maintaining a balance between personal life and career is crucial for overall well-being and success. Erin Everly's journey highlights the importance of prioritizing self-care and relationships alongside professional endeavors.

Tip 6: Embrace the Journey

Focusing solely on the destination can lead to missed opportunities and added pressure. Erin Everly's career trajectory shows that embracing the journey, with its ups and downs, can lead to unexpected growth and fulfillment.

Tip 7: Learn from Industry Experts

Seeking guidance and mentorship from experienced professionals in the music industry can accelerate your progress. Erin Everly's collaborations with established musicians provided her with invaluable knowledge and support.

Tip 8: Leverage Social Media Wisely

Social media platforms offer powerful tools for connecting with fans, promoting your work, and building your brand. Erin Everly's effective use of social media has helped her maintain a strong online presence and engage with her audience.

In conclusion, reflecting on the key aspects of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" can provide valuable lessons for navigating the complexities of the entertainment industry and achieving personal and professional success.


The exploration of "Erin Everly Wiki Age Height Net Worth" has illuminated the multifaceted nature of success in the entertainment industry. Erin Everly's journey as a singer-songwriter, actress, and collaborator showcases the importance of talent, dedication, perseverance, and embracing new opportunities.

Her story inspires us to pursue our passions with unwavering commitment, to seek collaborations that enhance our creativity, and to maintain a healthy balance between personal life and professional endeavors. By learning from her experiences and the insights gained through this exploration, we can navigate our own paths towards success and fulfillment.

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